Living on this earth presents us with many cycles of death and rebirth, literally and figuratively. Our dreamtime can provide glimpses into those cycles from time to time. When our dreamtime presents us with the possibility of a family member or a close loved one passing (death cycle), it can become quite scary and worrisome. Various emotions may come up and we may not know what to do with the information. Waking up startled and wondering, should I reach out to this family member to see if they’re ok OR do I sit and wait to see what comes of this dream? Your inner being has definitely been alarmed.
Some of you may wonder, how can I decipher if this is a prophetic death dream about a family member? There isn’t a simple answer but some suggestions would be to:
❖ Ask yourself if you’ve dreamt of a similar scenario in the past and, if so, what was the outcome?
❖Pay attention to your emotions - how does this dream resonate within your spirit?;
❖Send that person blessings or long-distance love
❖Be gentle with yourself & connect with this person more often, especially if you strongly feel that this could be prophetic insight into the future.
We may also experience this type of dream about a family member or a loved one because they’re in need of some kind of healing. Maybe they’ve neglected a part of themselves and need some assistance to get back on track? Either way, take the time to connect, not just with this person but all of those that are dear to you.
AND, another reminder would be to journal your dreamtime. Journaling your dreamtime helps you to get closer to your intuition, your inner compass and create your very own dream dictionary.
Wishing you sweet dreams!