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Writer's pictureSweet Dreams Healing


As you make the effort to relax, so does your mind. When we’re in a relaxed state, it’s easier for us to remember a dream. Taking time to relax before bedtime sets us up to dream, sometimes shortly after closing our eyes. Relaxation helps us to let go of our day AND experience quality sleep.

Practice just sitting for a few moments with your eyes closed, breathing at your normal pace. Just be with any visions that pop into your mind. Practice this a couple of times a week, especially if you’re having trouble remembering your dreams. It may not work the first go’round but with consistent practice, eventually, you’ll be able to recall a scene or two from your most recent dream.

Are you having trouble relaxing? Here’s a tip: Sit or lie down in a comfortable spot. Breathe in and as you breathe out, let out a big sigh or a HAAAAA. You’re letting go of any tension from your day or even just the last hour. Do this a couple more times if needed. Close your eyes, and continue to inhale and exhale at your normal rhythm for as long as you need until your body no longer feels tense. Feel free to incorporate this as part of your bedtime ritual.


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